Monday, June 28, 2010


So I'm sitting here with my hair up, big comfy clothes on, doing an exfoliating face mask, and watching one of my favorite movies Julie & Julia and let me tell you life is going pretty darn great! So while I'm writing in my blog I'm watching Julie (Amy Adams) write in her blog. How in the world did she get her blog to be so popular. I can't figure it out, hmm maybe I should Google it! Ha I know how pathetic am I, but I don't care I would LOVE to know! Anyways, today I wrote about four pages and let me tell you it's great. You know when you feel like you're really getting somewhere, really achieving something. And I'm really getting into my story, I'm at the climax. After all that is the most exhilarating part of someones story, right? Well at least in my eyes it is. At the moment I have a total of 92 pages, and don't ask me 'how far do I expect to go' because I'm going to go as far as I feel like it. When I feel like my story has come to an end then I will be done. I'm getting more and more excited because I can feel like I'm close to it, those parts that people will rave about and at that moment when people read my book my life will be fulfilled! Now I might be over exaggerating but that's me. I was thinking maybe I would start my book off as an E-book. What do you think? Nothing overly expensive but something little. Maybe I'm just thinking much too far ahead but then again that's just me. Well tell your friends about my blog! Thanks:)


  1. If you want to go with ebook rout first. I believe Barns and Noble have a program where you can publish your ebooks for free for their nook. (I own one and I LOVE it!)
