Wednesday, October 13, 2010

12.Put on hold

So obviously you can see that I have not been very active lately, not because I have just been lazy but things have came up in my life that hasn't given me much free time. Between family, school, and life problems it has been very hard to find time in my day to keep up. BUT  I will try putting forth more of an effort to finish this book and start finding some ways to get it published. I hope that nobody has given up on me and will periodically keep checking back for more updates! Thanks

Sunday, August 8, 2010

11. I'm back!

Alright so for everyone that think I feel off the face of the earth I'm sorry to report I am still here! I FINALLY sat down called my mother and got her to get my book transferred over to this computer! I wasted a month of no progress in writing my book, but I am determined to get back on track even with school starting.
Anyways back to businesses, I recently joined this site called Fluther, it's where you ask questions and answer them. One of the questions I asked was how do I get my blog to be read, some were helpful however others not so much. I got a question about my question, uh I'm pretty sure your her to help me not question me but that's not important. The reason I bring this up is because why not ask the people  know that actually have people reading and following their blog! So tell me how do you get your blog read or know someone that does? I also wanted to bring this up someone said that my followers could care less about whats going on in my life and humor you, that I should focus on my book and nothing else, what do you think? Today I'm going to try and get back to writing. Leave me comments, thanks!

Friday, July 9, 2010

10. All Wrong

Goodness gracious things have been so hectic lately! So before, I was doing all my book writing and blogging on a different computer at a different house, but now I'm back where I live. Don't get me wrong it's nice to be home but I have so many distractions and so many other things I want to do. I feel a bit guilty I haven't been blogging or writing but instead with my family and friends. Though I do have a good reason for the non-book writing, yes an excuse. For some reason things just never go the way I plan, and what I'm talking about is I saved my book onto something so, once I got home I could just plop it open onto this computer and be able to keep writing....but with just my luck it decides it doesn't want to work and for there to be no possible way to decipher this thing. So each day goes by and I'm getting farther and farther away from where I need to be on my book! Ahhh I might just go insane, just kidding. In the next couple of days I will have to sit down and figure out how to make sure I can write here. Well summer is going well, I cant say I haven't complained about this heat, crying is more like it ha ha. Well everyone keep checking up on my blog! Thanks a million.

Monday, June 28, 2010


So I'm sitting here with my hair up, big comfy clothes on, doing an exfoliating face mask, and watching one of my favorite movies Julie & Julia and let me tell you life is going pretty darn great! So while I'm writing in my blog I'm watching Julie (Amy Adams) write in her blog. How in the world did she get her blog to be so popular. I can't figure it out, hmm maybe I should Google it! Ha I know how pathetic am I, but I don't care I would LOVE to know! Anyways, today I wrote about four pages and let me tell you it's great. You know when you feel like you're really getting somewhere, really achieving something. And I'm really getting into my story, I'm at the climax. After all that is the most exhilarating part of someones story, right? Well at least in my eyes it is. At the moment I have a total of 92 pages, and don't ask me 'how far do I expect to go' because I'm going to go as far as I feel like it. When I feel like my story has come to an end then I will be done. I'm getting more and more excited because I can feel like I'm close to it, those parts that people will rave about and at that moment when people read my book my life will be fulfilled! Now I might be over exaggerating but that's me. I was thinking maybe I would start my book off as an E-book. What do you think? Nothing overly expensive but something little. Maybe I'm just thinking much too far ahead but then again that's just me. Well tell your friends about my blog! Thanks:)

Sunday, June 27, 2010

8.Creative juices a flowing

Wow i absolutely LOVE  this! I am sitting in front of the computer with a massive headache trying to make the time go by when I started getting some brilliant ideas for the book! Before I know it my headache is gone and three hours have already passed by! I tried everything to get this darn headache gone and who would of guessed it, writing was my cure. I will definitely have to keep that one in mind! Well I just finished Chapter 13, and it feels great. Well i just had to let you people know whats going on and how happy I am. I have been having some major writers block lately and it has just been killing me but this is  just fantastic. Well I hope everybody's day has been going as great as mine. Thanks!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

7.My Cast

Slideshow: Best Mixed Lies - Slideshow

So this is my chosen book cover and title and these actors are the ones that most represent the characters in my book and in my mind. It took me forever to make the video just right and to find the perfect characters. Please tell me what you think of the slide show and what all I have chosen for my book. Thanks!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

6.Your questions My anwsers

Leigh Davis:
Q: As far as the story, do you have an idea who you're modeling your leading characters after?
 A: I do have some ideas actually, once I have them all figured out to be sharing them with everyone. Does anyone happen to know some one that fits this description ( Looks about 18 or 19, tan or like light brown skin, and thick black hair.)
Q:What has been you biggest challenge in the writing process? Also, What has been your greatest joy in the writing process?
 A:My biggest challenge has been I guess would be making time to write and getting back on track. As for my greatest joy, it would have to be being able to share with the few people what I have written and being able to hear there input.
Q:Are you attached to any of your characters...?
 A: I am attached to a couple, I know I am because there is no way I could get rid of them.
Q:Who are you most like in your book...?
 A: I have a little bit of me in some of the characters but for the most probably the main character, after all I do know myself the best.

Thank you everyone who got around to asking me questions, but this isn't the only time I will answer your questions if you comment and ask a question I will be sure to answer in the next post. Thanks a million!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

5. A scene in my book.

 So this picture is from a scene in my book. "This place is somewhere Kairi can really think, maybe it has something to do with the past there but she does." Going to or taking pictures of the places I put in my book help me get in touch. It helps me write about those places so I can feel like I'm there with my character. This picture is something I took and edited. I was thinking this could also be a possible Cover for my book, what do you think?
I would love if as many people you can get, could ask me some questions. I want to, for my next post, answer everyone's questions to the best of my ability. Now if this doesn't happen well I might just wait to get enough questions to answer till I do my next post. So please ask me as many "admirable" questions you can think of. Thanks!:) 

Saturday, June 19, 2010

4. How I started my book

It took me awhile to think of how I would start my book. I started off with saying a little bit about the character. I have to say I think the mood set has to do a lot with what I was listening to at the moment. RANDOM FACT: "Whenever I write I like having some sort of noise, but never the TV that never goes well with me. Usually what I’m listening to ,whether it's calm, mad, or happy, that’s the way I usually start to  make the characters feel." Back to what I was saying, I had kind of already had an idea of the direction I wanted things to go, and so then I started creating my masterpiece.

Kairi finds herself all mixed up in losing her family, having to move to a very different place, and dealing with a definitely whole new world, that she forgets to remember what’s right from what’s wrong and what’s the truth from what’s a lie. She is however learning her trust circle seems to be getting smaller and smaller. People she thought she could trust turns out to be getting cut loose.

Friday, June 18, 2010

3. Love of writing

You know you're getting somewhere when you start getting really excited to the point where you can't pay attention to anything else but the screen. Well it's happened, I found myself just about squealing because some great ideas popped into my head and I was so physicked. Feeling that satisfaction of knowing you're really getting somewhere oh it's just great! I am as of yesterday on my 11th chapter! Pretty exciting i know! Today I'm went back to the beginning of my book and wow I have come a long way from then. I decided to add, take out, and replace some things I had written before, you know, improving it to the best of my abilities! It's going pretty darn well!
So I started a group on a book website,  Shelfari. And yes I know, 'How obsessed can a person be with books?" well pretty darn obsessed. Ha ha well anyways what I was saying was one of the discussions I put up was 'Why do you like to write?' and i wanted to share something a friend of mine on there, Kerdie, put. The reason I want to share it with you because her explanation is the same exact way I feel as I'm sure many others. Anyways her answer was 'I love writing because it gives me freedom....from everyday life, school, work you name it....I feel attached to something kind of bigger than myself you might say. I think writing opens doors that nothing else can. It gives you a look into a world that is unavailable to you except through writing!' a very stand up answer in my opinion, I couldn't have said it any better myself!
Anyways the writing of my book is going really well for me, I'm getting farther and farther. It's amazing to see something I personally made on my own grow in front of me, it's like my own little baby. And I plan to make this prize possession of mine be huge, something you will find yourself raving about late at night just dying to know what is going to happen next! Please continue to follow me and PLEASE tell others about my blog! Like always feel free to comment, thanks! Until next time, bless you.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

2. Getting Stuck

Well isn't this a pain, you know getting all in the zone getting those creative juices flowing and then all of the sudden it stops, you get distracted or something happens and you just start to stare at the cursor. Blinking over and over just mocking you. So I'm obviously talking about myself, yes I'm stuck again, but no worries I'm not going to be giving up. Instead I'll be doing something else productive until I have another idea to what more to write. I figured maybe I should start thinking of titles. What I didn't realize IT'S EVEN HARDER! So since Google seems to be my answer to all my problems I put in "Making up book titles." Turns out there are some pretty resourceful and clever ways, kind of a long process but if that's what i need to do to make up a good and definitely original book title well then it's worth it! Right? Right! So far this process is going pretty well, I have even thought of what more to write in my book. I need to learn to have fun with this, to stop having my mentality thinking is getting from point A to point B. Enjoy this moment, because this moment could be your life. Thanks for reading, please comment and put your helpful thoughts in.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

1. How it all started

Sometime in November of '09 I had been reading a lot and had been seeing a lot of movies, when it dawned on me how great it would be to make something of my own. Now I had always been the big imagination type but writing a book well I didn't know if I had enough of it for that! But I thought what heck and before I knew it I was on my way to selling a future best seller, well at least in my dreams. For some time there I ran out of what to write, I quit at it for awhile. With school and after school activities I couldn't, or wouldn't, make the time to write. I wanted to make sure this wasn't one of those things I started then I got bored with and quit. NO! I promise myself I would finish the darn book by November '10. If I do end up going past the year mark well then I better  have many pages already written. So up until then I will be blogging about my journey going through writing my very first, and hopefully not last, book. Please feel free to comment, thanks.